Thursday, June 11, 2009


There are unlimited ways you can make money with your talent. Since we are now in the information age, the best way to make money is the internet. Most sites allow you to upload your .mp3 or .wav files directly to there servers and allow the whole world to buy your songs or beats. The best part about this is you can make money in your sleep. You don't have to ride around your hood in your Cadillac burning gas and wasting time trying to convince people that your music is hot and twist their arm to buy something. Forget your hood! You now have access to the whole entire world instead. Money is green ain't it? What do I care if someone in Russia buys my beats verses someone in New York. As long as I have an audience.LOL. Another great aspect about selling your beats online is that you are not bound to one website. You can have multiple streams of income coming in from numerous sites all at once. Can you physically be at multiple jobs all at once? I didn't think so.

Make sure you promote your music online as well. I didn't make any money at first because I thought my beats were so good that the people on the internet would magically come to me and buy my instrumentals. I was an idiot! How can people buy something that they don't know exist? If you are not willing to promote your product or service then you might as well throw in the towel now.Here are some sites you can go to and make money right now


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What's good? Thanks for the info here... I was wondering what u mean by "Promoting yourself on the internet" to generate sales.. could u elaborate on that? Do u mean purchasing banner ad space and ish like that? What else can I do?

  3. Hey Alympik,

    You can promote yourself by setting up a free blog just like this one here. Go to and set up a free blog and then promote yourself to the world all day long! Blogger will allow you to put adsense ads on your page. When people click those ads you get paid every time! I set it all up for free too Check out my other blog to
